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Managing a Small Business at Home

There are many benefits to running a small business from home. This gives you flexibility over your schedule and hey, who doesn't love a zero minute commute. However, there are some challenges when it comes to running a small business from home. The most difficult part is ensuring there are boundaries set up between your business and your personal life. Here are a few tips for tackling challenges and making the best of working from home.

Create a Functional Space for Your Business

Find a dedicated space for your business in your home. This could be a spare room, basement, or other space if extra rooms are lacking in your home. Make this space off-limits to kids, roommates, and other family members. Use this space only for business activities to keep you in the right mindset. Once you have chosen the space, organize it. Create filing and storage systems so that you can keep all business-related materials in this one place instead of strewn all over your house. Also, make sure that your office space is stocked with good equipment. Get a reliable computer printer, and other office supplies so you don't have to deal with constant headaches or breakdowns.

Create a Schedule to Manage Your Time

It's important to really treat your work activities as work. When you clock into an office, you are undoubtedly at work. When you are at home, work and things like laundry can get blurred together. Set office hours every day for yourself. During those hours, focus on work and avoid distractions such as television and chores. Keep in mind that these hours may need to be modified and changed. Your business may experience some busier times than others. Make a long term schedule as well as daily schedules. Within your schedule, manage your time wisely to maximize productivity. 

Protecting Yourself and Your Business

After making such a big initial investment in your business, setting up an office, and buying equipment, it's important to protect it. Make sure you have enough insurance to not only cover your home but also your business located inside it. Also, protect yourself by considering using a separate address for your business. When you are printing business cards or providing information on a website, it is not the best idea to use your home address. Instead, consider a virtual business address. This allows you to use a real address for your business without the need for renting commercial space for your business. It can protect your privacy and also give you a leg up for looking more legitimate.