More Exciting Ways To Eat Heart Healthy Food

More Exciting Ways To Eat Heart Healthy Food

There’s nothing more at the heart of our health than, of course, our actual beating heart. As such, a lot of emphasis has gone on eating heart-healthy foods as of late. If you’re like many, however, then you find it a lot easier to stick to a diet that’s good for you if you’re able to enjoy what you’re eating. As such, here are some fun ways to incorporate heart-healthy foods into your diet.

Stir up those leafy greens

Dark, leafy green vegetables, such as darker lettuces, kale, spinach, and so on, might be extremely good for your heart and stacked with fiber, magnesium, and rarer vitamins like vitamin K. However, to a lot of people they taste like iron or like soil. To make sure that they don’t overpower your meals, it’s a good idea to dice them up like herbs and incorporate them as part of a stir-fry that has plenty of other textures to balance them out.

Bring on the berries

Now, berries by themselves are pretty delicious. Aside from being great for your heart, they’re also packed with antioxidants that, amongst other things, prevent the oxidative stress that can accelerate signs of aging and contribute to cancer. A great way to eat your berries with as part of delicious protein oatmeal, adding a touch of sweetness while making sure you get the protein content necessary for your workouts.

Go nuts with your baking

Few can refuse a baked treat, but they can also become an excellent source of heart-healthy foods if you choose the right recipes. For instance, this biscotti recipe here makes good use of pistachios, a nut that can lower your chances of heart disease with a good mix of minerals and unsaturated fats. In general, try to look for baked goods that make more use of nuts.

Accept the avocado

Has there been any fruit as thoroughly turned into a meme as the avocado as of late? Supposedly the mascot fruit of the millennials, if you haven’t incorporated these into your diet yet, then you might be surprised how versatile they can be. As a great way of reducing your “bad” cholesterol, avocado goes fantastically on toast, and works as a great replacement or addition to any salads of meals that make use of cucumber due to a similar consistency.

Eat a (small) bar of dark chocolate

Heart-healthy foods aren’t all fruits and nuts, either. Though you want to manage the sugar content in your diet with care, you might be pleased to find out that dark chocolate is great for your heart thanks to the flavonoids that have been associated with a lower risk of heart disease. Add to that the fact you can substitute milk chocolate for it in just about any applicable dessert recipe and you’re good to go.

Of course, you can’t live entirely on biscotti. You need to balance your treats with more functional meals. Hopefully, the tips above make it a little easier to get your fill of heart-healthy foods, however.